Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Zuma Character Analysis

A maid at Darren and Victoria Sevier’s house. Zuma is Hootsie’s mother. Zuma initially resents Rill and Fern when they are adopted because the Seviers spend no longer buy presents for Hootsie and because it creates more work for Zuma. When Rill and Fern go missing, though, Zuma has a change of heart and is ecstatic when they return.
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Zuma Character Timeline in Before We Were Yours

The timeline below shows where the character Zuma appears in Before We Were Yours. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 20 the Mississippi River. Rill learned this from the family of servants who work there, Zuma, Hoy, and Hootsie. Rill doesn’t want herself or Fern to be alone with Darren even... (full context)
Zuma doesn’t like Rill and Fern because the Seviers buy presents for them instead of Hootsie... (full context)
...sun comes naturally to them. Victoria is upset that Darren isn’t at breakfast yet, so Zuma goes to get him. When Darren comes in, Victoria reminds him that he should eat... (full context)