Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Wells Stafford’s busy assistant. Leslie manages schedules and appearances for both Wells and Avery in addition to grooming Avery to follow in her senator father’s footsteps. Leslie hires Ian to help her, and Avery, in turn, enlists Ian to check in on Rill (initially known to them as May) while Avery investigates Judy Stafford’s past. Leslie is very strict with Avery’s schedule and tries to control her ever move, but Avery asserts her independence and frequently turns her phone off to avoid Leslie’s calls.
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Leslie Character Timeline in Before We Were Yours

The timeline below shows where the character Leslie appears in Before We Were Yours. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
...Birthday,” Avery watches the woman outside slowly turn back towards the building. Her father’s assistant, Leslie, whispers to Avery that she needs to focus. When the cake comes out, Avery feels... (full context)
Chapter 3
...and starts wrestling. Honeybee gets mad at her because it messes up her hair and Leslie tells Avery to change into something less formal for the town hall meeting they have... (full context)
...they’ll discuss, questions they will have to answer, and what those well-scripted answers should be. Leslie tells Avery to prepare to go on stage with Wells to talk about her wedding... (full context)
When Avery steps off the stage, Leslie tells her that a nurse from the nursing home they visited earlier called to say... (full context)
Chapter 13
...want kids. Elliot changes the subject to Avery’s weekend at the beach. She jokes that Leslie will hunt her down if she doesn’t go home soon and Elliot reminds Avery that... (full context)
Chapter 19
...Avery feels a little like a kid skipping school because she’s not answering any of Leslie’s calls and Trent has closed his real estate office for the day to go with... (full context)
...and leans in to kiss her on the cheek. As Trent pulls away, Avery sees Leslie walking over out of the corner of her eye. Avery realizes how intimate the moment... (full context)