Before We Were Yours


Lisa Wingate

Senator Wells Stafford Character Analysis

Avery Stafford’s father. Wells’s mother, Judy Stafford, adores him—he is her pride and joy, especially after he followed in his father’s footsteps by becoming involved in politics. During the events of the story, Wells is suffering from cancer, which motivates him to call his daughter Avery back home. Avery is Wells’s favorite daughter and he wants her to follow in his footsteps and win his seat in the U.S. Senate if his fight with cancer forces him to step down. Wells relies on his assistant, Leslie, to help him prepare Avery to take on the role one day. Wells is happily married to Honeybee (the nickname he gave his wife early in their relationship; this is also what their grandchildren call her) and they have two other daughters together, Allison and Missy. When Avery tells Wells about Judy’s real birth family and secret relationship with her sisters, Wells helps arrange for Judy and her sole surviving sister (Rill Foss, renamed May Weathers Crandall) to live in the same senior care facility together; however, he and his family agree to keep the relationship secret.

Senator Wells Stafford Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Senator Wells Stafford or refer to Senator Wells Stafford. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 25 Quotes

My father moves tentatively to a chair, looks at his mother as if he’s never seen her before. In a way, he hasn’t. The woman he remembers was an actress playing a role, at least partially. For all the years since her sisters found her, there have been two people inside the body of Judy Stafford. One of them is a senator’s wife. The other carries the blood of river gypsies.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Judy Myers Stafford, Senator Wells Stafford
Page Number: 329
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Senator Wells Stafford Quotes in Before We Were Yours

The Before We Were Yours quotes below are all either spoken by Senator Wells Stafford or refer to Senator Wells Stafford. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 25 Quotes

My father moves tentatively to a chair, looks at his mother as if he’s never seen her before. In a way, he hasn’t. The woman he remembers was an actress playing a role, at least partially. For all the years since her sisters found her, there have been two people inside the body of Judy Stafford. One of them is a senator’s wife. The other carries the blood of river gypsies.

Related Characters: Avery Judith Stafford (speaker), Judy Myers Stafford, Senator Wells Stafford
Page Number: 329
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