’s wife and Avery Stafford’s mother. Honeybee’s real name is never shared; Wells gave her the nickname early in their relationship and it is what their grandchildren call her. Honey has a perfectionist personality and struggles with not being in control of situations, which is why she insists on having the family Christmas picture taken in July while Wells (who has cancer) still has all of his hair. Honeybee also tries to take control of Avery’s wedding plans, but ultimately fails—Avery breaks up with her fiancé, , in favor of beginning a relationship with . Of all the Staffords, Honeybee has the hardest time accepting the truth about Judy Stafford’s biological family and secret relationship with three of her biological sisters. Still, she has total respect for Wells’s judgment and supports his decision to make sure that Judy and her remaining sister, Rill Foss (known as May Weathers Crandall) can spend as much time together as possible in the final years of their lives.