A homeless teenager whom takes care of. Silas is told to look after the Foss children while their parents and Zede are at the hospital. However, Silas is outnumbered when police board the boat with the intention of taking the children away. Even though the police tell Silas that they are bringing and her siblings to their parents, Silas doesn’t believe it. He only agrees to leave the kids after Rill asks to him to. Later, Silas helps discover the whereabouts of Rill and her siblings. When he learns about Ida Murphy and ’s orphanage, he spends weeks watching the yard hoping to see them. When he finally sees Rill, he tries to help her escape. However, she insists on staying one more day because she hears a rumor that her sister is being returned by her adoptive parents and because she doesn’t want to leave Trent Turner Sr. (known as a Stevie) behind. Unfortunately, the next day Rill is abruptly brought to a hotel where —the man who adopted Fern—pays for her and brings her home to comfort Fern, who has been distraught in Rill’s absence. When Rill and Fern escape and find their family’s shanty boat, Silas helps take care of them because —who is now an alcoholic—cannot feed them. After the boat sinks and Briny seemingly disappears along with it, Silas reluctantly agrees to bring Rill back up the river to her adoptive family. He asks Rill to stay with him and get married but leaves Rill with the Seviers when he sees them warmly embrace her. Silas and Rill are never reunited.