Carry On, Mr. Bowditch


Jean Lee Latham

Mr. Ropes, along with Mr. Jonathan Hodges, owns the chandlery where Nat Bowditch serves his indentured apprenticeship as bookkeeper. Like Hodges, Ropes is a kind and fair man who treats Nat well and allows the boy free access to the books in his own personal library. He and Hodges eventually sell the business to Mr. Samuel Ward.
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Mr. Ropes Character Timeline in Carry On, Mr. Bowditch

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Ropes appears in Carry On, Mr. Bowditch. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7: The Almanac
Hard Work, Perseverance, and Success Theme Icon
Safety and Responsibility Theme Icon
The Growth and Development of America Theme Icon
One day in the spring, Mr. Ropes sends Nat on an errand to research the start of surveying in his copy of... (full context)
Chapter 8: “Lock, Stock, and Bookkeeper”
Hard Work, Perseverance, and Success Theme Icon
Safety and Responsibility Theme Icon
The Growth and Development of America Theme Icon
Courage and Grief  Theme Icon
...the brothers walk through the milling crowds, Hab compares Nat's indenture to imprisonment, even though Ropes and Hodges are kind. Nat says he tries not to think about it. Early in... (full context)
Hard Work, Perseverance, and Success Theme Icon
The Growth and Development of America Theme Icon
Courage and Grief  Theme Icon
...they make from international trade. One day, when he’s 17, Nat overhears a rumor that Ropes and Hodges are selling the chandlery. Hope buoys him—he’s not too old to go to... (full context)