An eccentric millionaire and caretaker of a wildlife preserve in Africa, Rupert has a hobbyist’s interest in the paranormal and has gathered the world’s largest collection of books on paranormal activity. He has given the Overlords access to this collection in exchange for a rare piece of holographic technology. He hosts the party where George meets Jan and he and Jean meet Rashaverak, and organizes the last stragglers of the party around the Ouija board that reveals the location of the Overlords’ homeworld. Although Rupert initiates and witnesses the strange event that reveals the location of the Overlords’ sun to Jan and reveals that Jean is in some way connected to the Overmind to Rashaverak, Rupert himself never manages to draw any conclusions about that night. Instead, he happily credits it to too much alcohol and continues in his ignorance. Rupert connects Jan with his friend, Professor Sullivan, who helps Jan with his plan to stow away aboard an Overlord ship.