

Cate Kennedy

Julie is Rebecca’s friend from work. Interrupting Rebecca’s nosedive into a sea of relevant search results for her ex-partner’s name, Julie calls. Julie is Rebecca’s first reminder that a real world exists outside her self-delusion and compulsive internet usage. Instead of using this phone call to tether herself back to reality, though, Rebecca tells Julie about her new plan to get fit: cross-country running. Julie is skeptical, but Rebecca insists upon her commitment to this lifestyle change by telling Julie, “I’m going out today to buy the shoes.”
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Julie Character Timeline in Cross-Country

The timeline below shows where the character Julie appears in Cross-Country. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Fantasy and Self-Delusion Theme Icon
Julie from work calls, reminding Rebecca that life does indeed exist outside of the grief she’s... (full context)