How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?


Moustafa Bayoumi

Imam Term Analysis

A Muslim religious leader, especially one who leads services at a mosque.

Imam Quotes in How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?

The How Does It Feel to Be a Problem? quotes below are all either spoken by Imam or refer to Imam. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Racism, Discrimination, and Foreign Policy Theme Icon
Rami Quotes

“Oh, man,” he said. “I forgot a good ending!” He pursed his lips. “Sometimes you just forget,” he explained.

“How did you want it to end?” I asked.

He paused to get the expression just right. “You come into the world crying while everyone around you is laughing,” he said. “But when you leave this world for the next life, and everyone else is crying, you should be laughing.” He summed up what he meant. “You've done good. Now all you have is bliss,” he explained with wide eyes. “That's what I should have said.”

The young imam was kicking himself and smiling.

Related Characters: Moustafa Bayoumi (speaker), Rami (speaker)
Page Number: 256-257
Explanation and Analysis:
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Imam Term Timeline in How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?

The timeline below shows where the term Imam appears in How Does It Feel to Be a Problem?. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Racism, Discrimination, and Foreign Policy Theme Icon
Arab American Identities Theme Icon
Faith, Tradition, and Islam Theme Icon
Justice, Activism, and the Future of American Democracy Theme Icon
...most of those who appear in this book. His subjects welcome him with open arms—one imam even tries to marry him off, and he is allowed to attend a private community... (full context)
Racism, Discrimination, and Foreign Policy Theme Icon
Arab American Identities Theme Icon
Justice, Activism, and the Future of American Democracy Theme Icon
...identity. He starts going to a discussion group in Bay Ridge, led by a relatable imam who emphasizes Muslims’ “public relations problem.” This makes Omar all the more excited to work... (full context)