Johnny Tremain


Esther Forbes

Dr. Warren is a prominent figure in the Boston Observers and in the resistance movement against the British. He’s a young, kind man. Although Johnny likes him, Johnny is inadvertently rude to Dr. Warren due to his shame surrounding his burned hand. Dr. Warren doesn’t hold this against Johnny, however, and the two form a trusting relationship over the course of the novel. Paul Revere and Dr. Warren are the last two Observers to leave Boston, so Johnny spends the days and nights before and during the battles at Lexington and Concord spying for Dr. Warren. Later, when Johnny meets up with Dr. Warren to relay information to him at Lexington, Dr. Warren insists on seeing Johnny’s hand—and offers to perform surgery on it to free Johnny’s thumb, thereby enabling Johnny to hold a musket.

Dr. Warren Quotes in Johnny Tremain

The Johnny Tremain quotes below are all either spoken by Dr. Warren or refer to Dr. Warren. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Chapter 6 Quotes

‘You don’t want me to look at it?’

As long as it might take to count ten, there was complete silence. Then the boy said, ‘No, sir—thank you.’

‘Was it God’s will it should be so?’ Doctor Warren meant was it crippled from birth. If so, it would be harder for him to help.

‘Yes,’ said Johnny, thinking of how had ruined it upon a Lord’s Day.

‘God’s will be done,’ said the young doctor.

Related Characters: Johnny Tremain (speaker), Dr. Warren (speaker)
Related Symbols: Johnny’s Burnt Hand
Page Number: 134
Explanation and Analysis:

He thought of Doctor Warren. Oh, why had he not let him see his hand? Cilla, waiting and waiting for him at North Square—and then he got there only about when it pleased him. He loved Cilla. She and Rab were the best friends he had ever had. Why was he mean to her? He couldn’t think.

Related Characters: Johnny Tremain, Rab, Cilla Lapham, Dr. Warren
Related Symbols: Johnny’s Burnt Hand
Page Number: 140
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 8 Quotes

‘…For men and women and children all over the world,’ he said. ‘You were right, you tall, dark boy, for even as we shoot down the British soldiers we are fighting for rights such as they will be enjoying a hundred years from now.

‘…There shall be no more tyranny. A handful of men cannot seize power over thousands. A man shall choose who it is shall rule over him.

‘…The peasants of France, the serfs of Russia. Hardly more than animals now. But because we fight, they shall see freedom like a new sun rising in the west. Those natural rights God has given to every man, no matter how humble…’

Related Characters: James Otis (speaker), Johnny Tremain, Rab, Dr. Warren, Samuel Adams
Page Number: 209
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 12 Quotes

‘I’ll never forget it. He said… so a man can stand up.’

‘Yes. And some of us would die—so other men can stand up on their feet like men. A great many are going to die for that. They have in the past. They will a hundred years from now—two hundred. God grant there will always be men good enough. Men like Rab.’

Related Characters: Johnny Tremain (speaker), Dr. Warren (speaker), Rab, James Otis
Related Symbols: Rab’s Musket
Page Number: 297
Explanation and Analysis:

‘Will it be good enough to hold this gun?’

‘I think I can promise you that.’

‘The silver can wait. When can you, Doctor Warren? I’ve got the courage.’

‘I’ll get some of those men in the taproom to hold your arm still while I operate.’

‘No need. I can hold it still myself.’

The Doctor looked at him with compassionate eyes.

‘Yes, I believe you can. You go walk about in the fresh air, while I get my instruments ready.’

Related Characters: Johnny Tremain (speaker), Dr. Warren (speaker), Rab, James Otis
Related Symbols: Johnny’s Burnt Hand, Rab’s Musket
Page Number: 297
Explanation and Analysis:
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Dr. Warren Character Timeline in Johnny Tremain

The timeline below shows where the character Dr. Warren appears in Johnny Tremain. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...uncomfortable, he blames it on Cilla. She’s irritating, as is Isannah, so Johnny leaves for Dr. Warren ’s house. (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
At Dr. Warren ’s house, Johnny removes his mittens and stretches his fingers in front of the fire.... (full context)
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...destroyed. Johnny realizes that these men don’t actually want the tea returned—they want war. Noticing Dr. Warren smiling at him, Johnny feels ashamed for not letting the doctor look at his hand... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
...the yard to practice on. When Rab falls asleep, Johnny wonders why he didn’t let Dr. Warren see his hand. And why doesn’t he go visit Cilla every week when he knows... (full context)
Chapter 7
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...Hutchinson to England and General Gage is now in charge. Mr. Hancock, Mr. Adams, and Dr. Warren would all be the first to hang if their roles became known. Regiments of British... (full context)
Chapter 8
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...out of the coach; the old man is clearly gravely ill. Miss Lavinia asks for Dr. Warren , since he’s the best. Then, Cilla approaches Miss Lavinia to say the silver was... (full context)
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...continues to say she must return for the silver, so Johnny says he’ll take her. Dr. Warren , after declaring that Mr. Lyte must never get upset about anything again, lends Johnny... (full context)
Chapter 9
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...of the men are Masons. Any intel is reported directly to Sam Adams, John Hancock, Dr. Warren , or Dr. Church. Johnny has his own assignment: to spy on Colonel Smith and... (full context)
Chapter 10
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...sharpening bayonets and polishing cannons, but is that noteworthy? He seeks out Paul Revere at Dr. Warren ’s; the men have no new information.  (full context)
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...hiding, to warn them—and to warn men in Concord to hide weapons. Mr. Revere and Dr. Warren come up with a plan to alert a messenger, Billy Dawes, who will relay whether... (full context)
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
4. Johnny reports directly to Dr. Warren . Dr. Warren and his men are very interested to hear that the British troops... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
When Johnny returns to Dr. Warren ’s surgery, the doctor and Mr. Revere are seriously discussing Dr. Warren’s safety. Then they... (full context)
Chapter 11
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
1. Johnny sleeps until Dr. Warren wakes him. Moving to the back of the house so they can speak freely, Dr.... (full context)
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
4. As Dr. Warren promised, getting the injured British soldiers back across the river to Boston will give Johnny... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
When Cilla asks, Johnny says he’s been spying for Dr. Warren and now, he has to cross the river to find the doctor and Rab. Johnny... (full context)
Chapter 12
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...until the Minute Men had picked off many British soldiers. The British withdrew to Charlestown. Dr. Warren , the man explains, has been fighting and dressing wounds. And though seven or eight... (full context)
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon a tavern, he buys some food and someone tells him to try to find Dr. Warren in Cambridge. In Cambridge, Johnny finds hundreds of Minute Men, poorly outfitted and not sure... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
3. Finally, Johnny approaches Lexington Green, where the eight young men died. Recognizing Dr. Warren ’s horse and chaise, Johnny approaches the doctor. He hands over the lists he made... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
4. Johnny follows Dr. Warren into the tavern and to a second-floor bedroom, where Rab is propped up in an... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...notices that Grandsire Silsbee’s antique gun is gone. Heading back to the village, Johnny finds Dr. Warren outside the tavern. Dr. Warren says that Rab died; someday, they’ll know how to fix... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Dr. Warren asks the woman to fetch Rab’s musket and turns to his food. Johnny paces, unable... (full context)