Johnny Tremain


Esther Forbes

Lieutenant Stranger Character Analysis

Lieutenant Stranger is second in command to Colonel Smith, and he and Johnny become friends over the course of the novel. This is in part because Stranger reminds Johnny of Rab with his dark hair and calm demeanor, but it’s also because—at least when horses are concerned—Stranger treats Johnny like an equal. Indeed, Stranger takes it in stride when Johnny makes Goblin spook and dump Stranger in a mud puddle, and he never once exercises his power to take Goblin after the incident. However, whenever they’re not on horseback, Stranger treats Johnny like an inferior, which confuses Johnny. Johnny fights his impulse to help and comfort Stranger when Stranger returns from the battles at Lexington and Concord injured, though by this point, Johnny has already realized that Stranger—and the British on the whole—are his enemies, not his friends.

Lieutenant Stranger Quotes in Johnny Tremain

The Johnny Tremain quotes below are all either spoken by Lieutenant Stranger or refer to Lieutenant Stranger. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Chapter 9 Quotes

Johnny knew he longed to own [Goblin] himself. He could, any moment, by merely saying ‘commandeer.’ And Johnny knew he never would say it.

From that day he and Johnny spent hours together jumping or exercising horses. Johnny almost worshiped him for his skill and almost loved him, because, ever and anon, he looked so much like Rab; but still it was only where horses were concerned they were equals. Indoors he was rigidly a British officer and a ‘gentleman’ and Johnny an inferior. This shifting about puzzled Johnny. It did not seem to puzzle the British officer at all.

Related Characters: Johnny Tremain, Rab, Merchant Lyte, Goblin, Lieutenant Stranger
Related Symbols: Johnny’s Cup
Page Number: 224
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Lieutenant Stranger Character Timeline in Johnny Tremain

The timeline below shows where the character Lieutenant Stranger appears in Johnny Tremain. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...the courtyard. But Colonel Smith tells Johnny to wait and sends his orderly officer, Lieutenant Stranger, outside. Stranger says he wants to commandeer Goblin for Colonel Smith and would like to... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Stranger pretends to be angry, but he really isn’t. Johnny confesses to setting him up to... (full context)
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...Johnny slaps her, sending her flying and exposing her body further. Everyone laughs as Lieutenant Stranger picks the girl up. Miss Lavinia laughs so hard she calls for Cilla, who waves... (full context)
Chapter 8
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...British soldiers will make good targets. Johnny is frightened; he can’t yet think of Lieutenant Stranger, Sergeant Gale, or Major Pitcairn as targets. (full context)
Chapter 9
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...Even Lydia helps. One day, as Johnny helps her hang laundry, she describes how Lieutenant Stranger was sent on a “little business” last night. He spent all night writing letters to... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Pride vs. Humility Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
...officers not to employ Johnny as a rider. He reveals that he knew about Lieutenant Stranger’s plan to ride north—Rab and Johnny didn’t know Dove knew. When he insinuates that he... (full context)
Coming of Age Theme Icon
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...gaits who’s better for hacking around Boston. When he leads Nan into the yard, Lieutenant Stranger lights up. Colonel Smith is ill, so if Johnny gets Goblin, Stranger will teach Johnny... (full context)
Chapter 10
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
...infantry companies (which are part of larger regiments) are off duty for special training. Lieutenant Stranger, a light infantry officer, laughs that this “looks like something.” Altogether, this accounts for 700... (full context)
Chapter 12
Patriotism and the Revolutionary War Theme Icon
Violence Theme Icon
Moral Integrity and Class Theme Icon
...lowly privates, receive fair treatment. The third boat bears a gray-faced Colonel Smith and Lieutenant Stranger, who’s seriously injured. Johnny fights his desire to help his sort-of friend. Major Pitcairn is... (full context)