Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Horn Chips Character Analysis

Horn Chips was a yuwipi man who performed a yuwipi ceremony for doubtful white missionaries who wanted to “expose” Horn Chips as a fraud. The missionaries hoped that the attending Lakota would convert to Christianity if the missionaries could convince them that their traditional religious ceremonies were “hocus-pocus.” The missionaries’ efforts to convert these Lakota to Christianity is reflective of how many Native Americans are coerced or forced to assimilate to white culture. Horn Chips, however, proved the missionaries wrong and actually succeeded in converting Christian Lakota to the traditional Lakota religion.
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Horn Chips Character Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Horn Chips appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 14: Cante Ishta—The Eye of the Heart
...the mid-20th century, government agents tried to “expose” a medicine man by the name of Horn Chips as a charlatan by having him perform the ceremony in front of them. To their... (full context)