Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Noble Moore Character Analysis

Noble Moore was Mary’s grandfather, Louise Flood’s husband, and Mary’s mother’s stepfather. Bill Moore, Noble’s son from a previous marriage, eventually married Mary’s mother. Mary describes Noble Moore as “as good and sober and caring as his son was the opposite.” Mary loved her grandparents, who raised her and her siblings with care and kindness. They lived in poverty, which is common on Native American reservations, as they are under-resourced by the U.S. government. But Mary staunchly believes that living in poverty with Native American relatives who loved her was better than a potentially wealthier childhood with white strangers who would force the children to assimilate to white culture.
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Noble Moore Character Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the character Noble Moore appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2: Invisible Fathers
...records about her boys’ deaths—she only got the bodies to bury. Mary’s grandmother then married Noble Moore , whose son from a previous marriage, Bill Moore, later married Mary’s mother. Unlike his... (full context)