Lakota Woman


Mary Crow Dog

Trail of Broken Treaties Term Analysis

The Trail of Broken Treaties was a 1972 caravan protest, in which multiple Native American groups drove across the country to converge at Washington, D.C. to advocate for Native American civil rights. The American Indian Movement (AIM) was one of several organizations that organized and took part in the Trail of Broken Treaties. Eventually, the U.S. government agreed to look over the demands and not press charges if the activists left the BIA building, though officials dismissed the demands shortly after the protest.

Trail of Broken Treaties Quotes in Lakota Woman

The Lakota Woman quotes below are all either spoken by Trail of Broken Treaties or refer to Trail of Broken Treaties. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 6 Quotes

In the end a compromise was reached. The government said they could not go on negotiating during Election Week, but they would appoint two high administration officials to seriously consider our twenty demands. Our expenses to get home would be paid. Nobody would be prosecuted. Of course, our twenty points were never gone into afterward. From the practical point of view, nothing had been achieved. As usual we had bickered among ourselves. But morally it had been a great victory. We had faced White America collectively, not as individual tribes. We had stood up to the government and gone through our baptism of fire.

Related Characters: Mary Crow Dog (speaker)
Page Number: 91
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Trail of Broken Treaties Term Timeline in Lakota Woman

The timeline below shows where the term Trail of Broken Treaties appears in Lakota Woman. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 6: We AIM Not to Please all. Sensing that “it was open season on Indians again,” AIM leaders planned the Trail of Broken Treaties . (full context)
Part of the significance of the Trail of Broken Treaties was this unity across Native American tribes, as caravans—each with their own spiritual leader—from many... (full context)