Mother to Mother


Sindiwe Magona

Tooksie’s Mother Character Analysis

China’s aunt and his cousin Tooksie’s mother. She is the owner of the house where Mandisa moves in with China and his family after their marriage. Tooksie’s mother, like many of the other women in the household actively disrespects Mandisa, and it is Tooksie’s mother that gives her a new name, “Nohehake,” an insult, which is a “an exclamation of utter surprise” at an “unimaginable monstrosity.”
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Tooksie’s Mother Character Timeline in Mother to Mother

The timeline below shows where the character Tooksie’s Mother appears in Mother to Mother. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 8
Family, Tradition, and Obligation Theme Icon
...knows the family can also stop suggesting new ones, and stick her with something unpleasant. China’s aunt suggests “Nohehake,” which contains “Hehake,” “an exclamation of surprise at some […] unimaginable monstrosity.” Although... (full context)