Mr. Pip


Lloyd Jones

Estella Havisham Character Analysis

A character in Great Expectations who has been raised to deny the advances and attention of her male suitors. Estella’s high standards encourage Pip—who is smitten by her—to work hard in his attempt to become a gentleman. Nonetheless, she is incredibly cold to him, often pointing out his flaws. When Dolores agitatedly shoos Matilda away at one point in Mister Pip, she utters a line that reminds her daughter of something Estella tells Pip when she wants him to go away. In turn, this helps Matilda piece together Great Expectations by memory, and she is excited to have recovered Estella’s remark.
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Estella Havisham Character Timeline in Mr. Pip

The timeline below shows where the character Estella Havisham appears in Mr. Pip. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 16
Storytelling Theme Icon
The Other Theme Icon
Hybridity Theme Icon
...about her teacher, she discovered that her mother’s exasperated and mean-spirited rants were reminiscent of Estella’s cold treatment of Pip in Great Expectations. When Dolores erupted one day with the line,... (full context)