Mr. Pip


Lloyd Jones

Mr. Jaggers Character Analysis

A character in Great Expectations who handles Pip’s finances and oversees the young man’s training to become a gentleman. It is Mr. Jaggers who first informs Pip that he is the beneficiary of a large amount of money, thus changing the course of Pip’s life. When Matilda avoids drowning by clinging to a floating log in Mister Pip, she refers to it as “Mr. Jaggers” because it saves her life and serves as the initial means by which she leaves Bougainville, thus beginning her new life.
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Mr. Jaggers Character Timeline in Mr. Pip

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Jaggers appears in Mr. Pip. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 18
Hybridity Theme Icon
Matilda likens her father’s Australian sponsor to Mr. Jaggers , the lawyer who serves as a middleman between Pip and his anonymous guardian (who... (full context)
Chapter 24
Storytelling Theme Icon
...which were calmer. This log was her savior, and so she took to calling it Mr. Jaggers , “the man who had saved Pip’s life.” (full context)
Hybridity Theme Icon
After floating on Mr. Jaggers in the rainy night, Matilda came upon Mr. Masoi’s fishing boat. After hoisting her aboard,... (full context)