Out of the Dust

Out of the Dust


Karen Hesse

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Out of the Dust: 27. Harvest Summary & Analysis

Combines move along the fields, collecting whatever wheat managed to survive. All the local farmers, including a man named Mr. Tuttle, deliver their wheat to town. Mr. Tuttle sells his wheat for 73 cents per bushel and manages to get eight bushels on land where he planted 20. Billie Jo thinks it will be miraculous if her father harvests a quarter of what he has planted.
The town considers Mr. Tuttle’s harvest impressive, despite the fact that he harvested less than half of what he planted. If Mr. Tuttle’s harvest is considered difficult to beat, then the rest of the town must be in terrible shape.
Nature, Survival, and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
Poverty, Charity, and Community Theme Icon