Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Piecing Me Together: Chapter 50 Summary & Analysis

Lee Lee shares that Northside held a meeting for students about Natasha Ramsey, but it was the usual pointless “there are adults to talk to” sort of thing. Lee Lee says she wants to do something. Mrs. Baker assigned her students to write a poem in Natasha’s honor or in honor of another victim of police brutality, but Lee Lee says it doesn’t feel like enough. Lee Lee starts to cry and she says she’s not sure why she’s so upset since this happens all the time, but this incident feels too close to home. Jade points out that it could’ve been either one of them. They sit and listen to each other breathe, feeling thankful.
Even though Northside may be considered a poor neighborhood public school, it’s still miles ahead of St. Francis in terms of relating to its students. Though the meeting may have been pointless in Lee Lee’s opinion, the administration still clearly shows they understand that students might need some extra help and compassion right now. The girls are able to provide comfort to each other because they don’t have to explain how exactly they feel, which is one of the reasons their friendship is still so strong.