Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Mrs. Baker Character Analysis

Lee Lee’s English teacher. Though Mrs. Baker teaches at a public high school with an awful reputation, Jade sees that Mrs. Baker is, in many ways, giving her students a more interesting and nuanced education than any of the teachers at St. Francis. She’s also very sensitive to current events that might influence her students’ ability to perform well in school, such as the police’s beating of Natasha Ramsey. Her assignment to write a poem about what happened to Natasha is the jumping-off point for Jade, Lee Lee, and Sam to plan the benefit event for Natasha’s family.
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Mrs. Baker Character Timeline in Piecing Me Together

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Baker appears in Piecing Me Together. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 26
...worth mentioning at Northside is the poetry club. It’s not official, but their English teacher, Mrs. Baker , lets them use her room. Sam says it sounds cool, but Lee Lee brushes... (full context)
Chapter 50
...adults to talk to” sort of thing. Lee Lee says she wants to do something. Mrs. Baker assigned her students to write a poem in Natasha’s honor or in honor of another... (full context)
Chapters 72 - 73
...to read if they want. Lee Lee pulls out a folder of sample poems from Mrs. Baker . Sam reads through them and chooses one she’d like to read. (full context)