Shadow and Bone


Leigh Bardugo

Dubrov Character Analysis

Dubrov is one of Mal’s best friends and a fellow tracker in the First Army. Alina doesn’t like him, as he’s cocky and not very nice to her. But she’s still shocked and sad when Mal tells her that Dubrov and their other best friend Mikhael died senselessly in Fjerda while tracking Morozova’s stag.
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Dubrov Character Timeline in Shadow and Bone

The timeline below shows where the character Dubrov appears in Shadow and Bone. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Identity and Self-Knowledge Theme Icon
Gender, Sex, and Power Theme Icon
...girl looks out of the blue coach and smiles at Mal. Mal’s friends Mikhael and Dubrov rush up to him, teasing him about the Grisha girl. They point out that she’ll... (full context)
Identity and Self-Knowledge Theme Icon
Desperation, Leadership, and Corruption Theme Icon
Class and Privilege Theme Icon
Conformity vs. Individuality Theme Icon
...slips on her boots and heads outside to meet Mal on the steps. Mikhael and Dubrov are drinking on the footpath. Alina hesitates: it’s hard to be around Mal because she... (full context)
Identity and Self-Knowledge Theme Icon
Conformity vs. Individuality Theme Icon
As they watch Dubrov and Mikhael drink, Alina asks Mal what he’s doing here—he used to visit her all... (full context)
Chapter 18
Desperation, Leadership, and Corruption Theme Icon
Class and Privilege Theme Icon
Greed vs. Mercy Theme Icon
...both freezing. Mal puts his fingers in the light and then says that Mikhael and Dubrov were both killed in Fjerda. To Alina’s surprise, Mal continues that they’d hunted the stag... (full context)
Desperation, Leadership, and Corruption Theme Icon
Class and Privilege Theme Icon
Greed vs. Mercy Theme Icon
...He’s changed so much, and she knows she’s partially responsible. She apologizes for Mikhael and Dubrov’s deaths, but Mal says it’s not her fault. Alina points out that it’s not his... (full context)