

Anjana Appachana

Borwankar Character Analysis

Borwankar is Sharma’s manager and direct supervisor. The reader learns little about Borwankar’s personality, which is largely established in contrast with Sharma and Miss Das. Borwankar is unsympathetic to and impatient with Sharma, seemingly having little regard for his 25 years of service in the company. He issues Sharma a charge-sheet for his consistent tardiness and is dismissive of Sharma’s attempts to defend himself. It takes the mutual mediation of Adesh Singh and Miss Das for Borwankar to agree to give Sharma a warning in exchange for a written apology.

Borwankar Quotes in Sharmaji

The Sharmaji quotes below are all either spoken by Borwankar or refer to Borwankar. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Sharmaji Quotes

Sharma was silent. He shook his head. He looked sadly at Mr Borwankar. He said, ‘Borwankar sahib, why are you taking this tone with me? You ask me questions as though you have no faith in me. This is not a detective agency. Why must you interrogate me in this manner? All right, I was not in my department, but that was because I had work in other departments. Still, if it is your wish, I will not go to other departments even if I have work there. I will sit at my desk and work only at my desk. Yes, yes I will do that. The company does not want me to consult other departments. All right, I will not consult other departments. You will see, work will suffer, but why should I care when you do not? I have been in this company for twenty-five years, but no one cares. For twenty-five years the company has bled me, sucked me dry. What do you know? You have been here only two years. You know nothing. Twenty-five years ago I joined as a clerk. Today I am still a clerk. Why should I work?’

Related Characters: Sharma (speaker), Borwankar
Page Number: 373-374
Explanation and Analysis:
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Borwankar Quotes in Sharmaji

The Sharmaji quotes below are all either spoken by Borwankar or refer to Borwankar. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Sharmaji Quotes

Sharma was silent. He shook his head. He looked sadly at Mr Borwankar. He said, ‘Borwankar sahib, why are you taking this tone with me? You ask me questions as though you have no faith in me. This is not a detective agency. Why must you interrogate me in this manner? All right, I was not in my department, but that was because I had work in other departments. Still, if it is your wish, I will not go to other departments even if I have work there. I will sit at my desk and work only at my desk. Yes, yes I will do that. The company does not want me to consult other departments. All right, I will not consult other departments. You will see, work will suffer, but why should I care when you do not? I have been in this company for twenty-five years, but no one cares. For twenty-five years the company has bled me, sucked me dry. What do you know? You have been here only two years. You know nothing. Twenty-five years ago I joined as a clerk. Today I am still a clerk. Why should I work?’

Related Characters: Sharma (speaker), Borwankar
Page Number: 373-374
Explanation and Analysis: