

Anjana Appachana

Paan is a chewable compound of areca nuts, slaked lime, and betel leaves, popular throughout South and Southeast Asia. Paan is addictive, has stimulant and narcotic effects, and can be chewed together with tobacco and added flavors like coconut or saffron. Betel chewing produces a staining, red-colored spit that is considered a point of class- and hygiene-based contention in many of the countries where it is popular.

Paan Quotes in Sharmaji

The Sharmaji quotes below are all either spoken by Paan or refer to Paan. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Sharmaji Quotes

Sharma sat on his desk. He took the paan out of his pocket and carefully removed its wrapping. He put it in his mouth. Chewing, he opened his drawer and took out a sheet of paper. Lovingly, he placed it on his desk, licked his pencil and began a new poem.

Related Characters: Sharma
Page Number: 383
Explanation and Analysis:
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Paan Term Timeline in Sharmaji

The timeline below shows where the term Paan appears in Sharmaji. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Loyalty and Disillusion Theme Icon
...on their way back to the office, Sharma insists they stop once again for more paan. When they return, the power is still out, and Sharma complains at length about having... (full context)
Labor and Creativity Theme Icon
...Sharma then sits down at his desk and starts to chew on another piece of paan. Instead of typing, however, he takes out a pencil and a sheet of paper and... (full context)