

Anjana Appachana

Peon Term Analysis

In South Asia, a peon is an office boy, assistant, or orderly of some kind, one of the lowest ranking positions in the workplace.
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Peon Term Timeline in Sharmaji

The timeline below shows where the term Peon appears in Sharmaji. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Labor and Creativity Theme Icon
Loyalty and Disillusion Theme Icon
...that, just like at working, nothing in the news seems to ever change. Harish, a peon from Sharma’s department, comes to tell him that his manager, Borwankar, wants to see him... (full context)
Tradition, Modernity, and Gender Roles Theme Icon
Loyalty and Disillusion Theme Icon
...more evidence of the workers’ mistreatment by management. His difficulties are mocked by Mohan, another peon, which Sharma takes as more proof of rampant disrespect toward him in the company. Sharma... (full context)