

Michael Frayn

Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward Character Analysis

A stoic ex-officer who displays his military achievement for killing five Germans in the First World War, Keith’s father largely spends his time doing work around the house and the garden. The garage is his personal abode where he completes different kinds of projects. From Stephen’s description, he works for the Home Guard, a volunteer organization for those who are ineligible for military service, which is very likely embarrassing for Keith’s father and contributes to his desire to maintain strict control of his household and family. It is also likely why Keith tells Stephen that he actually “works for the Secret Service.” He exerts an enormous influence on Keith, who echoes his father’s cold snobbishness and inherits his domineering and violent personality. Keith’s father never acknowledges Stephen’s presence unless he believes Stephen knows something he shouldn’t. Frayn portrays Keith’s father as being violent to his wife, who covers her neck with a scarf to hide the sadistic method with which he punishes her—cutting her with his bayonet, the same method that Keith uses on Stephen. Although he generally uses casual and even playful language, Keith’s father also frequently threatens Keith with physical punishment. He is referred to as “Ted” by Keith’s mother near the end of the story.

Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward Quotes in Spies

The Spies quotes below are all either spoken by Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward or refer to Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Class Difference and Social Status Theme Icon
Chapter 3 Quotes

I feel more strongly than ever the honor of my association with Keith. His family have taken on the heroic proportions of characters in a legend—noble father and traitorous mother playing out the never-ending conflict between good and evil, between light and dark.

Related Characters: Stephen Wheatley (speaker), Keith Hayward, Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward , Keith’s Mother / Mrs. “Bobs” Hayward
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
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Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward Quotes in Spies

The Spies quotes below are all either spoken by Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward or refer to Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward . For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Class Difference and Social Status Theme Icon
Chapter 3 Quotes

I feel more strongly than ever the honor of my association with Keith. His family have taken on the heroic proportions of characters in a legend—noble father and traitorous mother playing out the never-ending conflict between good and evil, between light and dark.

Related Characters: Stephen Wheatley (speaker), Keith Hayward, Keith’s Father / Mr. Ted Hayward , Keith’s Mother / Mrs. “Bobs” Hayward
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis: