

Michael Frayn

Stephen’s Mother / Mrs. Wheatley Character Analysis

An Englishwoman who married Mr. Wheatley (a German) and moved back to England before the start of the War. She is described by Stephen as always “sighing and anxious” about her two sons. She is frequently depicted throughout the novel as making sure that Stephen isn’t causing too much trouble at the Haywards’ house.
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Stephen’s Mother / Mrs. Wheatley Character Timeline in Spies

The timeline below shows where the character Stephen’s Mother / Mrs. Wheatley appears in Spies. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3
Secrecy Theme Icon
...room while Keith’s mother is resting in her bedroom. As Stephen gulps down his lunch, Stephen’s mother prods him about not burdening Keith’s mother by going over there too often. But Stephen... (full context)
Chapter 4
Imagination vs. Reality Theme Icon
Although Stephen is constantly fidgeting, eager to go back to the lookout, Stephen’s mother and Geoff —who mocks Keith’s wild imaginings—prevent him from going out, especially since it is... (full context)
Imagination vs. Reality Theme Icon
War, Paranoia, and Belonging Theme Icon
Secrecy Theme Icon
...moment, Stephen begins to realize the “oddity of the whole relationship” between the two. While Stephen’s mother rarely visits her sisters, Keith’s mother goes to visit Auntie Dee every day. He imagines... (full context)
Chapter 6
Imagination vs. Reality Theme Icon
War, Paranoia, and Belonging Theme Icon
Secrecy Theme Icon
...is again incredulous that people think he could possibly be the leader, not Keith). As Stephen’s mother dries him off and Stephen’s father demands answers, Stephen feels that he has failed Keith... (full context)