The Black Ball


Ralph Ellison

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The White Union Organizer Character Analysis

In “The Black Ball,” the union organizer is a thin, red-faced Southern white man who approaches John while he is working and invites him to join a multiracial union for building service workers in the area. John is initially skeptical of the organizer’s intentions—he assumes that the man wants to take his job, or that his union will only benefit white workers. But then, the organizer shows John his hands, which are badly scarred, and explains that he got the scars after he defended a Black friend who was falsely accused of rape in Alabama. A white mob attacked him, then lynched his friend. This story shows John that the man truly is fighting for racial justice, and so he seriously considers the offer. The union organizer’s story and work demonstrate how white and Black people can work together for racial justice, and how white and Black working class people often share the same political interests. Indeed, the story suggests that because white people hold most power in American society, multiracial coalitions like the organizer’s union are crucial to political progress for Black Americans.

The White Union Organizer Quotes in The Black Ball

The The Black Ball quotes below are all either spoken by The White Union Organizer or refer to The White Union Organizer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Nation, and Belonging Theme Icon
The Black Ball Quotes

Why, I thought, doesn’t he go on in and ask for the job? Why bother me? Why tempt me to choke him? Doesn’t he know we aren’t afraid to fight his kind out this way?

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer, Mr. Berry
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:

“Not used to anything like that, are you?”

“Not used to what?”

A little more from this guy and I would see red.

“Fellow like me offering a fellow like you something besides a rope.”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer (speaker)
Page Number: 27
Explanation and Analysis:

“You see, I come from the union and we intend to organize all the building-service help in this district. Maybe you been reading ‘bout it in the papers?”

“I saw something about it, but what’s it to do with me?”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer (speaker)
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

“Listen, fellow. You’re wasting your time and mine. Your damn unions are like everything else in the country – for whites only. What ever caused you to give a damn about a Negro anyway? Why should you try to organize Negroes?”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

“Daddy,” the boy called softly; it’s softly when I’m busy.

“Yes, son.”

“When I grow up I think I’ll drive a truck.”

“You do?”

“Yes, and then I can wear a lot of buttons on my cap like the men that bring the meat to the grocery. I saw a colored man with some today, Daddy. I looked out the window, and a colored man drove the truck today, and, Daddy, he had two buttons on his cap. I could see ‘em plain.”

Related Characters: John (speaker), John’s Son (speaker), The White Union Organizer
Page Number: 32
Explanation and Analysis:

My hand was still burning from the scratch as I dragged the hose out to water the lawn, and looking down at the iodine stain, I thought of the fellow’s fried hands, and felt in my pocket to make sure I still had the card he had given me. Maybe there was a color other than white on the old ball.

Related Characters: John (speaker), John’s Son, The White Union Organizer, Mr. Berry
Related Symbols: The White and Black Balls
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis:
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The White Union Organizer Quotes in The Black Ball

The The Black Ball quotes below are all either spoken by The White Union Organizer or refer to The White Union Organizer. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race, Nation, and Belonging Theme Icon
The Black Ball Quotes

Why, I thought, doesn’t he go on in and ask for the job? Why bother me? Why tempt me to choke him? Doesn’t he know we aren’t afraid to fight his kind out this way?

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer, Mr. Berry
Page Number: 26
Explanation and Analysis:

“Not used to anything like that, are you?”

“Not used to what?”

A little more from this guy and I would see red.

“Fellow like me offering a fellow like you something besides a rope.”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer (speaker)
Page Number: 27
Explanation and Analysis:

“You see, I come from the union and we intend to organize all the building-service help in this district. Maybe you been reading ‘bout it in the papers?”

“I saw something about it, but what’s it to do with me?”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer (speaker)
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

“Listen, fellow. You’re wasting your time and mine. Your damn unions are like everything else in the country – for whites only. What ever caused you to give a damn about a Negro anyway? Why should you try to organize Negroes?”

Related Characters: John (speaker), The White Union Organizer
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

“Daddy,” the boy called softly; it’s softly when I’m busy.

“Yes, son.”

“When I grow up I think I’ll drive a truck.”

“You do?”

“Yes, and then I can wear a lot of buttons on my cap like the men that bring the meat to the grocery. I saw a colored man with some today, Daddy. I looked out the window, and a colored man drove the truck today, and, Daddy, he had two buttons on his cap. I could see ‘em plain.”

Related Characters: John (speaker), John’s Son (speaker), The White Union Organizer
Page Number: 32
Explanation and Analysis:

My hand was still burning from the scratch as I dragged the hose out to water the lawn, and looking down at the iodine stain, I thought of the fellow’s fried hands, and felt in my pocket to make sure I still had the card he had given me. Maybe there was a color other than white on the old ball.

Related Characters: John (speaker), John’s Son, The White Union Organizer, Mr. Berry
Related Symbols: The White and Black Balls
Page Number: 39
Explanation and Analysis: