The Child by Tiger


Thomas Wolfe

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Nebraska Crane Character Analysis

Nebraska Crane is one of the narrator’s friends who plays ball with him when the story begins. Along with the other boys, he idolizes Dick Prosser and trusts him enough to keep his secret about the gun in the basement. However, when Dick’s crime comes to light, Nebraska is excited by the angry mob, unlike his fearful friends. When he sees Dick’s body hanging in the square, he is triumphant, and his eyes have a savage look in them.

Nebraska Crane Quotes in The Child by Tiger

The The Child by Tiger quotes below are all either spoken by Nebraska Crane or refer to Nebraska Crane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Violence, Darkness, and Growing Up Theme Icon
The Child by Tiger Quotes

He never boxed with us, of course, but Randy had two sets of gloves, and Dick used to coach us while we sparred. There was something amazingly tender and watchful about him. He taught us many things—how to lead, to hook, to counter and to block—but he was careful to see that we did not hurt each other.

Related Characters: Narrator (speaker), Dick Prosser, Randy Shepperton, Nebraska Crane
Page Number: 333
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah— we!” he grunted. “We killed a big one! We— we killed a ba’r, we did! . . . Come on, boys,” he said gruffly. “Let’s be on our way!”

And, fearless and unshaken, untouched by any terror or any doubt, he moved away. And two white-faced nauseated boys went with him.

Related Characters: Narrator (speaker), Nebraska Crane (speaker), Dick Prosser, Randy Shepperton
Page Number: 346
Explanation and Analysis:
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Nebraska Crane Quotes in The Child by Tiger

The The Child by Tiger quotes below are all either spoken by Nebraska Crane or refer to Nebraska Crane. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Violence, Darkness, and Growing Up Theme Icon
The Child by Tiger Quotes

He never boxed with us, of course, but Randy had two sets of gloves, and Dick used to coach us while we sparred. There was something amazingly tender and watchful about him. He taught us many things—how to lead, to hook, to counter and to block—but he was careful to see that we did not hurt each other.

Related Characters: Narrator (speaker), Dick Prosser, Randy Shepperton, Nebraska Crane
Page Number: 333
Explanation and Analysis:

“Yeah— we!” he grunted. “We killed a big one! We— we killed a ba’r, we did! . . . Come on, boys,” he said gruffly. “Let’s be on our way!”

And, fearless and unshaken, untouched by any terror or any doubt, he moved away. And two white-faced nauseated boys went with him.

Related Characters: Narrator (speaker), Nebraska Crane (speaker), Dick Prosser, Randy Shepperton
Page Number: 346
Explanation and Analysis: