The Child by Tiger


Thomas Wolfe

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Pansy Harris Character Analysis

Pansy is Mr. Shepperton’s family cook. Though known to be cheerful, she becomes very sullen when the Shepperton hire Dick Prosser and mysteriously quits her job soon after. Dick visits her the night of his shooting spree, and her husband finds them there. After the men get into a fight, Dick shoots and kills Pansy’s husband.
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Pansy Harris Character Timeline in The Child by Tiger

The timeline below shows where the character Pansy Harris appears in The Child by Tiger. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
The Child by Tiger
Evil and Innocence  Theme Icon
The Sheppertons have “a comely Negro wench,” Pansy Harris , as their cook. Although no one knows why, she became silent and sullen when... (full context)
Racism and Violence Theme Icon
...details, earlier that night, Dick Prosser goes to the Black neighborhood in town to see Pansy Harris . (Some people say he was drunk.) Around ten o’clock, Pansy’s husband comes home and... (full context)