The Hungry Tide

The Hungry Tide


Amitav Ghosh

Dukhey is one of the main characters in the tale The Glory of Bon Bibi. His name means "misery," and he leads a miserable life. He's forced to accompany Dhona on his journey to make a fortune in Dokkhin Rai's part of the Sundarbans, and Dhona promises Dukhey to the demon in exchange for riches. Dukhey, however, does as he's told and calls on Bon Bibi for help, and she saves him.
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Dukhey Character Timeline in The Hungry Tide

The timeline below shows where the character Dukhey appears in The Hungry Tide. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1: The Glory of Bon Bibi
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...go into the jungle to make a fortune. He ended up taking a boy named Dukhey with him. Dukhey's mother instructed him to call on Bon Bibi if he needed help. (full context)
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...finally, Dokkhin Rai came to him in a dream. He promised riches in exchange for Dukhey. The forest creatures loaded Dhona's boat with honey and wax. Finally, Dhona sent Dukhey to... (full context)
Part 2: Memory
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...Persian and Arabic. The invocations are Arabic, while the rhythm is Hindu, and it tells Dukhey's story of being rescued by Bon Bibi. When they're back in the boat, Horen explains... (full context)
Part 2: A Gift
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Kanai begins the story at the part where Dhona sacrifices Dukhey to Dokkhin Rai. Dokkhin Rai comes to Dhona in a dream and instructs Dhona to... (full context)
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Idealism and Theory vs. Practicality and Action Theme Icon
Dukhey, meanwhile, struggles to cook a meal and asks Bon Bibi for help. She arrives, and... (full context)