The Hungry Tide

The Hungry Tide


Amitav Ghosh

Lord Canning Character Analysis

Lord Canning was the English lord responsible for planning and building Port Canning on the Matla River. He conceived of it as a port city to rival Singapore and Hong Kong and chose not to listen to Henry Piddington, who warned against cyclones and insisted the city would be flooded within fifteen years of its construction.
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Lord Canning Character Timeline in The Hungry Tide

The timeline below shows where the character Lord Canning appears in The Hungry Tide. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2: A Post Office on Sunday
Language Theme Icon
Man vs. Nature Theme Icon
...As an example, he tells the story of Canning, the city on the Matla River. Lord Canning decided that Bengal needed a new port city, and his planners decided on the banks... (full context)