The Lady Maid’s Bell


Edith Wharton

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Agnes is a maid in the Brymptons’ employ and the person who gives Hartley her first tour of the house. She does not see the ghost of Emma Saxon when Hartley does and blames Mrs. Blinder for leaving the door to Emma’s room open. Agnes makes an irreverent, humorous remark about Mr. Brympton when the servants learn that he is away in the West Indies, showing that he is truly disliked.
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Agnes Character Timeline in The Lady Maid’s Bell

The timeline below shows where the character Agnes appears in The Lady Maid’s Bell. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Mystery and Ambiguity Theme Icon
Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness Theme Icon
...the house function perfectly. Hartley notices some other odd things about life at Brympton Place: Agnes denies seeing the maid whom Hartley saw in the doorway the previous day, something Hartley... (full context)