The Lady Maid’s Bell


Edith Wharton

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Mrs. Blinder Character Analysis

Mrs. Blinder is the Brymptons’ cook. She seems to know more about the haunting of the house than she lets on; every time Hartley brings up Emma Saxon or the room she used to live in, Mrs. Blinder finds an excuse to leave and hurries away. On the other hand, Mrs. Blinder is very solicitous of Mrs. Brympton’s health; when she learns that Hartley went into town, she gushes that she is very happy she has come back, implying that she thought Hartley would leave and that her mistress would be left without anyone to care for her.
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Mrs. Blinder Character Timeline in The Lady Maid’s Bell

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Blinder appears in The Lady Maid’s Bell. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Mystery and Ambiguity Theme Icon
Illness, Isolation, and Loneliness Theme Icon
...the previous day, something Hartley chalks up to the servants having an unauthorized guest; and Mrs. Blinder , one of the older servants, acts strangely when Hartley asks about using the room... (full context)
Marital Conflict and Jealousy Theme Icon
Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon
Sure enough, when Hartley returns to the house, Mrs. Blinder expresses how grateful she is that she’s come back, almost implying that she thought Hartley,... (full context)