The Lady Maid’s Bell


Edith Wharton

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Mr. Wace is the Brymptons’ butler. Hartley describes him as “a serious, slow-spoken man” and a “great Bible-reader,” but he has an unusual trait for a butler: a strong dislike for his employer. He is clearly aggravated by Mr. Brympton’s presence in the house and, on these occasions, swears up a storm. Mr. Wace’s dislike of Mr. Brympton can be viewed as more evidence that Mr. Brympton is a dastardly character.
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Mr. Wace Character Timeline in The Lady Maid’s Bell

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Wace appears in The Lady Maid’s Bell. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Marital Conflict and Jealousy Theme Icon
Class and Hierarchy Theme Icon that the other servants are greatly bothered by the man’s presence in the house: Mr. Wace , the butler, normally a soft-spoken man, reaches deep into his repertoire of Biblical language... (full context)