The Magician’s Nephew


C. S. Lewis

Mrs. Lefay was Uncle Andrew’s godmother. She was known to be eccentric and perhaps even had “fairy blood.” For unspecified reasons, Mrs. Lefay spent time in prison before she died. Like Uncle Andrew, she disliked “ordinary” people. She passed down a mysterious box to Uncle Andrew, which proved to contain dust from another world. Uncle Andrew used the dust to create the fateful magical rings that transport Polly and Digory to Narnia.
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Mrs. Lefay Character Timeline in The Magician’s Nephew

The timeline below shows where the character Mrs. Lefay appears in The Magician’s Nephew. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 2
...sits down to tell his story. He points to a photograph on the wall—his godmother, Mrs. Lefay . Digory doesn’t like the looks of her. He asks Uncle Andrew if there was... (full context)
Before Mrs. Lefay died, she entrusted a little box to Uncle Andrew. She made him promise that he... (full context)
Uncle Andrew avoided opening the box for a long time, claiming that Mrs. Lefay had “fairy blood” and that the box might have contained something dangerous. Digory keeps trying... (full context)
Chapter 8
...that he protests this turn of events and ought never have become a magician—it’s all Mrs. Lefay ’s fault. (full context)