The Passion


Jeanette Winterson

Gambling Theme Analysis

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In The Passion, gambling is a fundamental dimension of human experience, not simply a pastime or a vice. Because people do not know the future and have limited control over their own lives, every action they take in the present is a gamble. As narrators Henri and Villanelle remark repeatedly throughout the novel, “You play, you win. You play, you lose. You play.” This maxim suggests that because people have to take action for as long as they are alive—and because even inaction is a form of action—they are condemned to keep “gambling” on the future, whether they win or lose. Yet through the story of Villanelle, the novel further suggests that most people secretly enjoy rather than resent the risky, “gambling” nature of their lives. After Villanelle falls in passionate love with a married woman, the woman with gray-green eyes, she gambles away her literal, physical heart to the woman. Villanelle spends much of the novel trying to steal her heart back—yet when she finally retrieves it, she acknowledges that she will likely gamble it again: the excited impulse to risk what is most valuable to herself is simply too great. Thus, The Passion suggests that gambling is part of human nature not only out of necessity—because we have limited control over and knowledge of the future—but also because, deep down, we love risk.

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Gambling Quotes in The Passion

Below you will find the important quotes in The Passion related to the theme of Gambling.
Part 1: The Emperor Quotes

You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play. It’s the playing that’s irresistible.

Related Characters: Henri (speaker), Patrick
Page Number: 47
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Part 2: The Queen of Spades Quotes

She thought I was a young man. I was not. Should I go see her as myself and joke about the mistake and leave gracefully? My heart shriveled at this thought. To lose her again so soon. And what was myself? Was this breeches and boots self any less real than my garters? What was it about me that interested her?

You play, you win. You play, you lose. You play.

Related Characters: Villanelle (speaker), Henri, The Woman with Gray-Green Eyes
Page Number: 70
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Part 3: The Zero Winter Quotes

Future. Crossed Out.

That’s what war does.

Related Characters: Henri (speaker), Napoleon Bonaparte, Domino
Page Number: 92
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What you risk reveals what you value.

Related Characters: Villanelle (speaker), Henri, Napoleon Bonaparte, The Woman with Gray-Green Eyes, Patrick
Related Symbols: Villanelle’s Heart
Page Number: 97
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There is no sense in loving someone you can never wake up to except by chance.

Related Characters: Villanelle (speaker), Henri, The Woman with Gray-Green Eyes, Patrick
Page Number: 102
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Part 4: The Rock Quotes

And the valuable, fabulous thing?

Now that I have it back? Now that I have been given a reprieve such as only the stories offer?

Will I gamble it again?


Related Characters: Villanelle (speaker), Henri, The Cook/The Large Man, The Woman with Gray-Green Eyes
Related Symbols: Villanelle’s Heart
Page Number: 161
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