The Razor’s Edge

The Razor’s Edge


W. Somerset Maugham

Frau Becker Character Analysis

Frau Becker is the wife of Becker, who gives Larry and Kosti work when they travel through Germany and arrive at his farm. Kosti tells Larry that he is interested in Frau Becker, but it soon becomes clear, even to Kosti, that Frau Becker is attracted to Larry. Despite that attraction, nothing ends up happening between Frau Becker and Larry.
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Frau Becker Character Timeline in The Razor’s Edge

The timeline below shows where the character Frau Becker appears in The Razor’s Edge. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3, Chapter 2 
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Social Norms and Conformity Theme Icon
...they’ve been there for a while, Kosti tells Larry that Becker isn’t satisfying his wife, Frau Becker . Kosti says he’s interested in her. Larry tells Kosti not to do anything that... (full context)
Wisdom and the Meaning of Life Theme Icon
Social Norms and Conformity Theme Icon
One night, Larry wakes up in the barn and feels Frau Becker ’s body against his. She tells him to be quiet as she kisses him. Larry... (full context)