The Sum of Us


Heather McGhee

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Heather McGhee decided to quit her job and write The Sum of Us after analyzing more than 15 years of her own policy research and realizing that, contrary to her lifelong assumptions, racism hurts white people too. McGhee’s most powerful example of this is drained swimming pools: from the 1950s onward, many American cities destroyed their extravagant public pools instead of racially integrating them. They literally destroyed a public good that benefited white people, just to spite Black people. But beyond turning white people against policies that would improve life for everyone, racism also directly undermines their attempts to stay healthy, wealthy, and free. This is because it leads them to accept violence and injustice against people of color, and those forms of violence and injustice later get turned on them. For instance, the U.S. government chose to do nothing after learning how predatory subprime mortgages were bankrupting Black and Latinx homeowners in the 1990s and early 2000s. Lenders continued the same practices, targeting white homeowners with them too, until the whole system collapsed and triggered the 2008 global financial crisis and the Great Recession. Similarly, white voters supported the war on drugs when it primarily targeted Black and brown people in inner cities, but now, drug addiction and violence disproportionately affect white rural communities.

These examples show how racism takes a toll on everyone. Of course, it still hurts people of color the most, but often, the majority of those it hurts are white. This point is complex but important. For example, environmental racism, the political decision to concentrate toxic industrial pollution in communities of color, primarily affects the people of color who live in those communities. But it also increases the overall level of pollution in every segregated city, which means that it affects white people, too. Thus, environmental racism leaves people of color much worse off, while leaving the white majority somewhat worse off. Most of the people it affects are white, but it disproportionately affects people who aren’t. According to McGhee, this is true of racism in virtually all its forms: it never stays confined to its original target. Instead, it spreads and undermines everyone because, while it tries to divide us, we are already all connected.

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The Toll of Racism Quotes in The Sum of Us

Below you will find the important quotes in The Sum of Us related to the theme of The Toll of Racism.
Introduction Quotes

“Why can’t we have nice things?”
Perhaps there’s been a time when you’ve pondered exactly this question. And by nice things, you weren’t thinking about hovercraft or laundry that does itself. You were thinking about more basic aspects of a high-functioning society, like adequately funded schools or reliable infrastructure, wages that keep workers out of poverty or a public health system to handle pandemics. The “we” who can’t seem to have nice things is Americans, all Americans.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: xi
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Was it possible that even when we didn’t bring up race, it didn’t matter? That racism could strengthen the hand that beat us, even when we were advocating for policies that would help all Americans—including white people?

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: xvi
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Today, the racial zero-sum story is resurgent because there is a political movement invested in ginning up white resentment toward lateral scapegoats (similarly or worse-situated people of color) to escape accountability for a massive redistribution of wealth from the many to the few. For four years, a tax-cutting and self-dealing millionaire trumpeted the zero-sum story from the White House, but the Trump presidency was in many ways brought to us by two decades of zero-sum propaganda on the ubiquitous cable news network owned by billionaire Rupert Murdoch.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker), Barack Obama , Donald Trump
Page Number: 15
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Chapter 2 Quotes

A functioning society rests on a web of mutuality, a willingness among all involved to share enough with one another to accomplish what no one person can do alone. In a sense, that’s what government is. I can’t create my own electric grid, school system, internet, or healthcare system—and the most efficient way to ensure that those things are created and available to all on a fair and open basis is to fund and provide them publicly.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 21
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Even though welfare was a sliver of the federal budget and served at least as many white people as Black, the rhetorical weight of the welfare stereotype—the idea of a Black person getting for free what white people had to work for—helped sink white support for all government. The idea tapped into an old stereotype of Black laziness that was first trafficked in the antebellum era to excuse and minimize slavery and was then carried forward in minstrel shows, cartoons, and comedy to the present day. The welfare trope also did the powerful blame-shifting work of projection: like telling white aristocrats that it was their slaves who were the lazy ones, the Black welfare stereotype was a total inversion of the way the U.S. government had actually given “free stuff” to one race over all others.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 33
Explanation and Analysis:

The racial polarization of our two-party system has forced a choice between class interest and perceived racial interest, and in every presidential election since the Civil Rights Act, the majority of white people chose the party of their race. That choice keeps a conservative faction in power that blocks progress on the modest economic agenda they could support.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 38
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Chapter 3 Quotes

“These folks are gonna come out of the woodwork like bugs.”

Related Characters: Barack Obama
Page Number: 59
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Chapter 4 Quotes

Looking at these numbers, one could be tempted to minimize the role of racism and chalk it up to greed instead. […] But history might counter: What is racism without greed? It operates on multiple levels. Individual racism, whether conscious or unconscious, gives greedy people the moral permission to exploit others in ways they never would with people with whom they empathized. Institutional racism of the kind that kept the management ranks of lenders and regulators mostly white furthered this social distance. And then structural racism both made it easy to prey on people of color due to segregation and eliminated the accountability when disparate impacts went unheeded. Lenders, brokers, and investors targeted people of color because they thought they could get away with it. Because of racism, they could.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 86
Explanation and Analysis:

The public conversation and the media coverage of the subprime mortgage crisis started out racialized and stayed that way. We’ve had so much practice justifying racial inequality with well-worn stereotypes that the narrative about this entirely new kind of financial havoc immediately slipped into that groove. Even when the extent of the industry’s recklessness and lack of government oversight was clear, the racialized story was there, offering to turn the predators themselves into victims. After the crash, conservatives were quick to blame the meltdown on people of color and on the government for being too solicitous of them.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 90
Explanation and Analysis:

And all of it was preventable, if only we had paid attention earlier to the financial fires burning through Black and brown communities across the nation. Instead, the predatory practices were allowed to continue until the disaster had engulfed white communities, too—and only then, far too late, was it recognized as an emergency. There is no question that the financial crisis hurt people of color first and worst. And yet the majority of the people it damaged were white. This is the dynamic we’ve seen over and over again throughout our country’s history, from the drained public pools, to the shuttered public schools, to the overgrown yards of vacant homes.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Related Symbols: Public Swimming Pools
Page Number: 96-97
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 5 Quotes

It was jarring to hear auto plant jobs described this way, as everybody knows that manufacturing jobs are the iconic “good jobs” of the American middle class. But the truth is factory jobs used to be terrible jobs, with low pay and dangerous conditions, until the people who needed those jobs to survive banded together, often overcoming violent oppression, to demand wholesale change to entire industries: textiles, meatpacking, steel, automobiles.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 105
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At the worker center, I asked Melvin about how unions are perceived where he lives. “The people that we see, as soon as they see UAW, and even if you bring up union, they just think color. They just see color. They think that unions, period—not just UAW—they just think unions, period, are for lazy Black people….And a lot of ’em, even though they want the union, their racism, that hatred is keeping them from joining.”

Johnny agreed with Melvin’s assessment of his fellow white workers. “They get their southern mentality….‘I ain’t votin’ [yes] because the Blacks are votin’ for it. If the Blacks are for it, I’m against it.’ ”

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker), Johnny (speaker), Melvin (speaker)
Page Number: 117
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Chapter 7 Quotes

Public policy created this problem, and public policy should solve it. Because of our deliberately constructed racial wealth gap, most Black and brown families can’t afford to rent or buy in the places where white families are, and when white families bring their wealth into Black and brown neighborhoods, it more often leads to gentrification and displacement than enduring integration. The solution is more housing in more places that people can afford on the average incomes of workers of color.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 177
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Compared to students at predominantly white schools, white students who attend diverse K–12 schools achieve better learning outcomes and even higher test scores, particularly in areas such as math and science. Why? Of course, white students at racially diverse schools develop more cultural competency—the ability to collaborate and feel at ease with people from different racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds—than students who attend segregated schools. But their minds are also improved when it comes to critical thinking and problem solving. Exposure to multiple viewpoints leads to more flexible and creative thinking and greater ability to solve problems.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 181
Explanation and Analysis:

White children “who learn the prejudices of our society,” wrote the social scientists, were “being taught to gain personal status in an unrealistic and non-adaptive way.” They were “not required to evaluate themselves in terms of the more basic standards of actual personal ability and achievement.” What’s more, they “often develop patterns of guilt feelings, rationalizations and other mechanisms which they must use in an attempt to protect themselves from recognizing the essential injustice of their unrealistic fears and hatreds of minority groups.” The best research of the day concluded that “confusion, conflict, moral cynicism, and disrespect for authority may arise in [white] children as a consequence of being taught the moral, religious and democratic principles of justice and fair play by the same persons and institutions who seem to be acting in a prejudiced and discriminatory manner.”

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 182-183
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Chapter 8 Quotes

Perhaps it makes sense, if you’ve spent a lifetime seeing yourself as the winner of a zero-sum competition for status, that you would have learned along the way to accept inequality as normal; that you’d come to attribute society’s wins and losses solely to the players’ skill and merit. You might also learn that if there are problems, you and yours are likely to be spared the costs. The thing is, that’s just not the case with the environment and climate change. We live under the same sky.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 205
Explanation and Analysis:

If a set of decision makers believes that an environmental burden can be shouldered by someone else to whom they don’t feel connected or accountable, they won’t think it’s worthwhile to minimize the burden by, for example, forcing industry to put controls on pollution. But that results in a system that creates more pollution than would exist if decision makers cared about everyone equally—and we’re talking about air, water, and soil, where it’s pretty hard to cordon off toxins completely to the so-called sacrifice zone. It’s elites’ blindness to the costs they pay that keeps pollution higher for everyone.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 213-214
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 9 Quotes

Over the years that I have sought answers to why a fairer economy is so elusive, it has become clearer to me that how white people understand what’s right and wrong about our diverse nation, who belongs and who deserves, is determining our collective course. This is the crux of it: Can we swim together in the same pool or not? It’s a political question, yes, and one with economic ramifications. But at its core, it’s a moral question. Ultimately, an economy—the rules we abide by and set for what’s fair and who merits what—is an expression of our moral understanding. So, if our country’s moral compass is broken, is it any wonder that our economy is adrift?

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Related Symbols: Public Swimming Pools
Page Number: 222-223
Explanation and Analysis:

In the absence of moral leadership, there are just too many competing stories. For every call to become an activist for racial justice, there’s a well-rehearsed message that says that activists are pushing too hard. For every chance to speak up against the casual racism white people so often hear from other white folks, there is a countervailing pressure not to rock the boat. If you want to believe that white people are the real victims in race relations, and that the stereotypes of people of color as criminal and lazy are common sense rather than white supremacist tropes, there is a glide path to take you there.

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 223
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“Because no one wants to think that they are benefiting from a system that hurts other people. It’s much easier just to pretend like you don’t know.”

Related Characters: Angela King (speaker)
Page Number: 226
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Equality, freedom, liberty, justice—who could possibly love those ideals more than those denied them?

Related Characters: Heather McGhee (speaker)
Page Number: 242
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