The Wife of His Youth


Charles Chesnutt

The Photograph Symbol Analysis

The Photograph Symbol Icon

The daguerreotype photograph of Sam Taylor (the former name of Mr. Ryder) that Eliza Jane carries around her neck symbolizes her intense devotion to her former husband, despite the many changes that have occurred over the course of 25 years. When Mr. Ryder tells Eliza Jane that she might not recognize her husband if she met him, considering how many changes 25 years could bring, she insists that she would certainly recognize him, because she has been carrying his picture with her all these years to make sure she never forgets what he looks like. Mr. Ryder asks to see it, saying that “it might help me to remember the original”—although, of course, he already knows that he himself is her long-lost husband. When Eliza Jane gives the photograph to him, Mr. Ryder studies it for a long time, seeing that the photograph has “faded with time” but nonetheless that it is still possible to see “what manner of man it had represented.” This moment symbolizes how distant the world of Mr. Ryder’s youth seems to him now, but also how, deep down, he is the same man as he was then—driven by honor and determined to keep his promises.

However, Mr. Ryder still needs to consider the situation before revealing that he is the same person as the young man in the photograph. Shortly after looking at the photograph, when Eliza Jane has left, he gazes at his own reflection in the mirror, as if comparing himself to the photograph, trying to figure out how much has changed and how much has stayed the same. In this way, the photograph symbolizes both what has changed and what has stayed the same between these two characters in the 25 years that have passed since their last meeting. While their appearances and social positions have both changed considerably, Eliza Jane is just as driven by devotion to her husband as she was then, and Mr. Ryder, as he proves in his final decision to reunite with Eliza Jane, is just as driven by his sense of honor and desire to keep his promises.

The Photograph Quotes in The Wife of His Youth

The The Wife of His Youth quotes below all refer to the symbol of The Photograph. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Race and Class Theme Icon
Part 2 Quotes

“You may have passed him on the street a hundred times during the twenty-five years, and not have known him; time works great changes.”

She smiled incredulously. “I’d know ‘im ‘mongs’ a hund’ed men. Fer dey wuz n’ no yuther merlatter man like my man Sam, an’ I could n’ be mistook. I’s toted his picture roun’ wid me twenty-five years.”

“May I see it?” asked Mr. Ryder. “It might help me to remember whether I have seen the original.”

Related Characters: Mr. Ryder/Sam Taylor (speaker), Eliza Jane (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Photograph
Page Number: 66
Explanation and Analysis:

“I don’t know of any man in town who goes by that name,” he said, “nor have I heard of any one making such inquiries. But if you will leave me your address, I will give the matter some attention, and if I find out anything I will let you know.”

She gave him the number of a house in the neighborhood, and went away, after thanking him warmly.

He wrote the address on the fly-leaf of the volume of Tennyson, and, when she had gone, rose to his feet and stood looking after her curiously. As she walked down the street with mincing step, he saw several persons whom she passed turn and look back at her with a smile of kindly amusement. When she had turned the corner, he went upstairs to his bedroom, and stood for a long time before the mirror of his dressing-case, gazing thoughtfully at the reflection of his own face.

Related Characters: Mr. Ryder/Sam Taylor (speaker), Eliza Jane
Related Symbols: The Photograph
Related Literary Devices:
Page Number: 66
Explanation and Analysis:
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The Photograph Symbol Timeline in The Wife of His Youth

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Photograph appears in The Wife of His Youth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 2
Love, Loyalty, and Honor Theme Icon
History and Identity Theme Icon
...carried his picture with her all these 25 years. Mr. Ryder asks to see the photograph, saying it might help him remember if he’s ever seen the man before. She pulls... (full context)