Good Friday Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

Good Friday Summary & Analysis
by Christina Rossetti

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Christina Rossetti's "Good Friday" was published in her 1866 collection The Prince's Progress and Other Poems. Good Friday refers to a holiday that commemorates Jesus's Crucifixion. Though the poem's speaker understands the significance of this event in their faith, they struggle to connect to it on an emotional level. Unlike the biblical followers of Christ who passionately expressed their sorrow at his passing, the speaker finds themselves unable to "weep" at the thought of Christ's suffering and death. The speaker thus fears that they're an unfeeling "stone" rather than a devoted "sheep" under the guidance of the "true shepherd" (God), and they appeal to God for solace and reassurance. "Good Friday" ultimately emphasizes the deeply personal nature of faith and proposes that during moments of spiritual doubt, placing even greater trust in God might be the only answer.

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