Boori Ma, the story’s protagonist, is a 64-year-old Bengali woman who has been a refugee since Partition in 1947. As a durwan, or “doorkeeper,” it is her job to clean the apartment building where…
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Mr. Dalal
The husband of Mrs. Dalal and a lower-level toilet part salesman. He lives the same apartment building where Boori Ma lives and works. When he is suddenly promoted to a management position at his company…
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Mrs. Dalal
The wife of Mr. Dalal. She lives in the same apartment building where Boori Ma lives and works and is the main protector Boori Ma. She insists on providing Boori Ma with additional materials…
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Mr. Chatterjee
Mr. Chatterjee is known as the resident intellectual of the apartment building where Boori Ma, Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal, and Mrs. Misra live, even though the narrator shares that he has not…
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Minor Characters
Mrs. Misra
A widow who lives on the second floor of the same apartment building where Boori Ma, Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal, and Mr. Chatterjee live. She is the only resident with a private telephone.