A Real Durwan


Jhumpa Lahiri

The term durwan comes from the Persian word darwān, meaning “door-keeping” or “door-guarding.” Boori Ma is working in this capacity in all but title. After all, as the narrator mentions, being a durwan is “no job for a woman” under normal circumstances. As the residents begin to make changes to the building, Boori Ma’s alleged crime of giving her keys to a thief who removes the wash basin is a perfect excuse for the residents to dismiss her and install a “real” durwan, thus making the building seem nicer. The word “real” here implies that the new durwan would be a man, aligning with the traditional requirements for a durwan.

Durwan Quotes in A Real Durwan

The A Real Durwan quotes below are all either spoken by Durwan or refer to Durwan. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
A Real Durwan Quotes

In short, over the years, Boori Ma’s services came to resemble those of a real durwan. Though under normal circumstances this was no job for a woman, she honored the responsibility, and maintained a vigil no less punctilious than if she were the gatekeeper of a house on Lower Circular Road, or Jodhpur Park, or any other fancy neighborhood.

Related Characters: Boori Ma
Page Number: 73
Explanation and Analysis:

“Boori Ma’s mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. When is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan.”

Related Characters: Mr. Chatterjee (speaker), Boori Ma
Page Number: 82
Explanation and Analysis:
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Durwan Term Timeline in A Real Durwan

The timeline below shows where the term Durwan appears in A Real Durwan. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
A Real Durwan
Materialism, Status, and Contentment Theme Icon
Social Division and Alienation Theme Icon
...few thumps of her broom. In many ways, she is a lot like a “real durwan,” despite the fact that durwans are always men, not women. Boori Ma takes her duties... (full context)
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
Materialism, Status, and Contentment Theme Icon
Social Division and Alienation Theme Icon
...claim she is a habitual liar and should no longer serve the building as their durwan, since the residents “have valuables,” and Mrs. Misra lives alone and has a telephone. Mr.... (full context)