A Real Durwan


Jhumpa Lahiri

Mr. Dalal Character Analysis

The husband of Mrs. Dalal and a lower-level toilet part salesman. He lives the same apartment building where Boori Ma lives and works. When he is suddenly promoted to a management position at his company, his newfound moderate wealth prompts him to buy a communal wash basin for the building and a private one for his home. This influences other residents to make changes themselves, from painting the building to hiring an exterminator. After this promotion, he and Mrs. Dalal go on vacation and are not around to fend for Boori Ma when the other residents accuse her of stealing the basin and dismiss her from the building.

Mr. Dalal Quotes in A Real Durwan

The A Real Durwan quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Dalal or refer to Mr. Dalal. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
A Real Durwan Quotes

Among the wives, however, resentment quickly brewed.

Related Characters: Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal
Related Symbols: The Wash Basin
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:

Her mornings were long, her afternoons longer. She could not remember her last glass of tea. Thinking neither of her hardships nor of earlier times, she wondered when the Dalals would return with her new bedding.

Related Characters: Boori Ma, Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mr. Dalal Quotes in A Real Durwan

The A Real Durwan quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Dalal or refer to Mr. Dalal. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
A Real Durwan Quotes

Among the wives, however, resentment quickly brewed.

Related Characters: Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal
Related Symbols: The Wash Basin
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:

Her mornings were long, her afternoons longer. She could not remember her last glass of tea. Thinking neither of her hardships nor of earlier times, she wondered when the Dalals would return with her new bedding.

Related Characters: Boori Ma, Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal
Page Number: 81
Explanation and Analysis: