A Real Durwan


Jhumpa Lahiri

Mr. Chatterjee Character Analysis

Mr. Chatterjee is known as the resident intellectual of the apartment building where Boori Ma, Mr. Dalal, Mrs. Dalal, and Mrs. Misra live, even though the narrator shares that he has not opened a newspaper since 1947. When the communal wash basin in the building is stolen and the other residents want to condemn Boori Ma for the crime, it is Mr. Chatterjee who is given the final word and decides to dismiss her from the building. His opinion is the most respected in the building.

Mr. Chatterjee Quotes in A Real Durwan

The A Real Durwan quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Chatterjee or refer to Mr. Chatterjee. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
A Real Durwan Quotes

“Boori Ma’s mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. When is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan.”

Related Characters: Mr. Chatterjee (speaker), Boori Ma
Page Number: 82
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Mr. Chatterjee Quotes in A Real Durwan

The A Real Durwan quotes below are all either spoken by Mr. Chatterjee or refer to Mr. Chatterjee. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Truth and Memory Theme Icon
A Real Durwan Quotes

“Boori Ma’s mouth is full of ashes. But that is nothing new. When is new is the face of this building. What a building like this needs is a real durwan.”

Related Characters: Mr. Chatterjee (speaker), Boori Ma
Page Number: 82
Explanation and Analysis: