If We Were Villains


M. L. Rio

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on If We Were Villains makes teaching easy.

If We Were Villains: Act 3, Scene 2 Summary & Analysis

Two hours later, the students sit in a line outside a room where Meredith is giving her statement to the police. She emerges from the room, and Oliver stands up to go in—everyone else has already gone, and it’s his turn now. Gwendolyn, Frederick, Dean Holinshed, and Colborne are inside. Colborne invites Oliver to sit, begins recording, and starts to ask him questions about what happened last night. As the students agreed, Oliver tells him that he slept in his own room with James and went to bed around two or two thirty. He says that Richard was drinking alone upstairs during the party, but that he didn’t know why.
Even though Oliver didn’t kill Richard directly, lying to the police so thoroughly makes him complicit in a crime. It’s a stressful situation to put himself in, and it raises the stakes significantly for the rest of the novel: now instead of risking being bad at theatre or not getting a job, the students risk facing criminal charges.
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Oliver tells Colborne in vague terms about Richard’s fight with Meredith and the cellist. He admits to following Meredith to her room, but he insists that they merely talked before Oliver went upstairs to bed. Colborne asks him about getting in the water earlier in the morning, and Oliver tells him that someone had to check whether Richard was alive. Colborne looks at him in a way that makes him think he’s hiding his reaction, but the expression disappears as he asks Oliver if Richard had been acting strangely in the last few weeks. Oliver tells him that he wasn’t.
Oliver is mostly withholding information rather than lying outright, but his honest answer about checking Richard’s body seems to raise Colborne’s suspicions most of all. It is an odd, detached thing to do. Wouldn’t most friends call the police right away, or if they did get into the water, wouldn’t they be upset enough to try to save Richard no matter what?
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