

Anna Burns

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Middle Sister/Unnamed Narrator

Middle sister is the novel’s protagonist. She is a young woman living in an unnamed Northern Irish town during the Troubles, a conflict she wants no part of. Middle sister does her best to keep… read analysis of Middle Sister/Unnamed Narrator


Milkman is a mysterious and menacing figure who begins stalking middle sister because he finds her sexually attractive. The rumor around the community is that Milkman is a renouncer specializing in surveillance, though almost nothing… read analysis of Milkman


Maybe-boyfriend is a young man whom middle sister dates, though they do not officially consider themselves boyfriend and girlfriend. They have officially dated in the past, but when the novel begins, neither is sure of… read analysis of Maybe-boyfriend

Somebody McSomebody

Somebody McSomebody is a young man in middle sister’s neighborhood who claims he is in love with her. Somebody McSomebody asks middle sister to date him multiple times and threatens her when she rejects… read analysis of Somebody McSomebody

Middle Sister’s Mother

Middle sister’s mother is a traditional woman who cares much more about making sure her daughters are married than she does about politics. Although middle sister’s mother loves her daughters, she has a hard time… read analysis of Middle Sister’s Mother
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Chef is maybe-boyfriend’s best friend. As his name suggests, he likes to cook and bake, which gets him made fun of, with people calling his masculinity into question. Always wanting to stick up for… read analysis of Chef

Longest Friend

Longest friend is a woman middle sister has known since grade school. Longest friend meets with middle sister because she becomes concerned after hearing wild rumors that middle sister and Milkman are seeing each other… read analysis of Longest Friend

Fourth Brother

Fourth brother is not middle sister’s biological brother. However, he spent much of his childhood at middle sister’s home and became very close with the family. He never appears in the book because he… read analysis of Fourth Brother
Minor Characters
Third Brother-in-law
Third brother-in-law is married to third sister. He is middle sister’s favorite in-law, and they often go on runs together. Although third brother-in-law does not talk much about politics, middle sister learns he is well aware of what is going on in their town.
French Teacher
French teacher teaches at the local community college, which middle sister attends. French teacher cares more about expanding her student’s minds—particularly in regard to the Troubles—than she does about teaching French.
Real Milkman
Real milkman delivers milk in middle sister’s neighborhood. He has been friends with middle sister’s mother since childhood and feels tries his best to look out for her children. The state authorities shoot real milkman when they mistake him for Milkman, which lands him in the hospital.
Tablets Girl
Tablets girl is a mentally ill woman who regularly poisons people in middle sister’s community. Although the community tolerates her behavior for a long time, someone (possibly Milkman) eventually murders her, presumably in retaliation against tablets girl’s poisoning of middle sister.
Tablets Girl’s Sister
Tablets girl’s sister is a kind woman, who was once romantically involved with third brother. When third brother hears tablets girl’s sister was poisoned, he rushes to find her and admits he is still in love with her.
First Brother-in-law
First brother-in-law is eldest sister’s husband. He regularly cheats on eldest sister and regularly engages in sexually inappropriate behavior. Since middle sister was a young girl, first brother-in-law would ask her inappropriate sexual questions. He is also responsible for spreading the rumor that middle sister is involved with Milkman.
Eldest Sister
Eldest sister is married to first brother-in-law. For much of the novel, she and middle sister are angry with each other and do not talk. Middle sister feels that eldest sister wants her to suffer so that they have comparably unhappy lives.
Second Brother
Second brother is dead at the start of the novel. He joined the renouncers while still in high school and died in the conflict.
Third Sister
Third sister is third brother-in-law’s wife. She rarely appears in the novel, though when she does, it is to make fun of third brother-in-law and middle sister for their habit of running together.
Third Brother
Third brother is middle sister’s twin. He barely appears in the novel because he rarely comes to see his family. However, he does return home when he hears that tablets girl’s sister (whom he used to date and is still in love with) is sick.
Second Sister
Second sister lives in England because she was forced out of the community after marrying a Protestant man.
Middle Sister’s Father
Middle sister’s father is deceased at the start of the novel. He was chronically depressed and died in a mental institution.
Wee Sisters
“Wee Sisters” is middle sister’s collective name for her three youngest siblings. They are inquisitive and incredibly intelligent for their age.
Nuclear Boy
Nuclear boy is one of Somebody McSomebody’s brothers. He is obsessed with the Cold War, so much so that he pays no attention to local politics.
Nuclear Boy’s Mother
Nuclear boy’s mother is a depressed woman who has lost most of her family due to the Troubles and poor luck. She is also the mother of Somebody McSomebody.
Lassie is the dog middle sister had as a child.