

Pat Barker

Robert Graves Character Analysis

Graves is a Captain in the British army, and Sassoon’s commanding officer and dear friend. Although Graves shares Sassoon’s anti-war ideology, he cares more about keeping his head down and protecting Sassoon, though Sassoon sees this as cowardice. In hopes of protecting his friend, Graves initially tells Rivers much more about Sassoon than Sassoon would wish, indicating that he is even willing to betray his friend’s trust to achieve his aims. Graves and Sassoon’s relationship falters when one of Graves’s close friends is arrested for being a homosexual. Although Graves implies that he’s had homosexual inclinations in the past, his fear of being persecuted as well causes him to deny any of those prior feelings and tell Sassoon that he hopes Sassoon never had the wrong idea about him, or assumed he felt such “abominable” desires. To hammer this point home, Graves begins writing to a young woman, seemingly to prove his heterosexuality to himself and the world. Graves’s betrayal in this way deeply wounds Sassoon’s trust and pride, and models once again the cost of society’s aversion to homosexuality and distrust of male relationships outside of combat.

Robert Graves Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Robert Graves or refer to Robert Graves. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

“It’s only fair to tell you that…since that happened my affections have been running in more normal channels. I’ve been writing to a girl called Nancy Nicholson. I really think you’ll like her. She’s great fun. The…the only reason I’m telling you this is…I’d hate you to have any misconceptions. About me. I’d hate you to think I was homosexual even in thought. Even if it went no further.”

Related Characters: Robert Graves (speaker), Siegfried Sassoon
Page Number: 199
Explanation and Analysis:
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Robert Graves Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Robert Graves or refer to Robert Graves. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

“It’s only fair to tell you that…since that happened my affections have been running in more normal channels. I’ve been writing to a girl called Nancy Nicholson. I really think you’ll like her. She’s great fun. The…the only reason I’m telling you this is…I’d hate you to have any misconceptions. About me. I’d hate you to think I was homosexual even in thought. Even if it went no further.”

Related Characters: Robert Graves (speaker), Siegfried Sassoon
Page Number: 199
Explanation and Analysis: