The part of a courtroom where the accused sits. It is generally composed of a bench or a chair and surrounded by a fence or cage-like railing.
Dock Quotes in Silence! The Court is in Session
The Silence! The Court is in Session quotes below are all either spoken by Dock or refer to Dock. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Act Three
Discipline means discipline.
Related Characters:Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Benare
Related Themes:
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Dock Term Timeline in Silence! The Court is in Session
The timeline below shows where the term Dock appears in Silence! The Court is in Session. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act One
...chair as the players in the wings arrive and assemble the wooden bars of a dock around Benare. Sukhatme enters in his lawyer’s robes. Samant has returned but only watches. Kashikar...
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Act Three
...asked him to keep it a secret, threatening him if he spoke out. From the dock, Benare finally speaks, calling out that Rokde is lying, but is ignored.
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Benare comes towards Ponkshe but Mrs. Kashikar, at Kashikar’s urging, takes her back to the dock. At Mr. Kashikar and Mrs. Kashikar’s urging Rokde helps guard Benare. Mrs. Kashikar tells Benare...
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...was the subject of the phone call, although he has no evidence. Benare, in the dock, brings a bottle to her lips but Karnik bats it away. Ponkshe picks it up,...
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...instead teaching them beauty and purity. Benare, suddenly playing the role of teacher, leaves the dock. Lights illuminate the faces in the court and she addresses them as children. Then a...
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