So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed


Jon Ronson

Ted Poe is a Houston judge turned representative for Texas’s Second Congressional District. As a judge, Poe was notorious for meting out unusual punishments to lawbreakers. For instance, he offered a young man who’d killed two people driving drunk the chance to forgo prison time if he agreed to publicly carry around a sign that read “I KILLED TWO PEOPLE WHILE DRIVING DRUNK” once a month for ten years, carry a picture of the victims in his wallet, and complete other tasks that would remind him of his mistake.
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Ted Poe Character Timeline in So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed

The timeline below shows where the character Ted Poe appears in So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 4: God That Was Awesome
Good, Evil, and Inhumanity Theme Icon
Cycles of Shame, Trauma, and Violence Theme Icon
The day after meeting with Justine Sacco, Ronson traveled to D.C. to meet with Ted Poe, a Houston judge turned representative for Texas’s Second Congressional District. As a judge, Poe gained... (full context)
Good, Evil, and Inhumanity Theme Icon
Cycles of Shame, Trauma, and Violence Theme Icon
During his meeting with Poe, Poe gleefully told Ronson about some of his favorite shamings. Ronson asked Poe if he... (full context)
Good, Evil, and Inhumanity Theme Icon
Shame and Social Media Theme Icon
Cycles of Shame, Trauma, and Violence Theme Icon
Ronson was even more confused when Poe told him that social media shamings were worse than the shamings he himself had devised... (full context)