

Neil Gaiman

Gentleman in the Top Hat Character Analysis

Dunstan rents his cottage to a traveling gentleman in a top hat for the duration of the Faerie market. Though Dunstan accepts the man’s monetary rent payment, he also asks for something magical—and the man promises Dunstan his “Heart’s Desire.” Dunstan doesn’t realize it, but this is what leads to him falling for Lady Una. The man in the top hat also later takes responsibility for Tristran and Yvaine’s romance, though the couple have no idea they have him to thank for anything.
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Gentleman in the Top Hat Character Timeline in Stardust

The timeline below shows where the character Gentleman in the Top Hat appears in Stardust. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1 
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Rules  Theme Icon
...the strange smells, languages, and people in the room. He stares at a tall Black man with a top hat , who invites Dunstan to share his dessert. The man reveals that he can’t find... (full context)
Rules  Theme Icon
...the wall, he feels like he’s “breaking the greatest of taboos.” He walks with the man in the top hat renting his cottage, explaining that he was a child the last time the market came.... (full context)
Youth, Aging, and Maturity Theme Icon
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
Rules  Theme Icon
...and cat ears, greets him and begins to describe the flowers. As she does, the man with the top hat walks past and says his rent is paid. Just then, Dunstan notices that the woman... (full context)
Chapter 10
Love and Ownership Theme Icon
...stopping at a book stall when it begins to rain. Tristran nods at a tall man in a top hat and then walks away, and the man tells the bookseller that he won’t get more... (full context)